Inorganic Chemistry Seminar, Dr. Neal Mankad (University of Illinois- Chicago )
New Title “Bimetallic Catalysis in Biology & Synthesis”
New Title “Bimetallic Catalysis in Biology & Synthesis”
New Strategies for Targeting Cancer: Shining Light on Transition Metal Complexes
Professor Claudia Turro
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
The Ohio State University
Title : Ti-Catalyzed Nitrene Transfer Reactions: Harnessing the TiII/TiIV Redox Couple for New Organic Methods
Title Coordination Chemistry of +3 Actinides
Title Small Ligands Behaving Badly: Redox Non-innocence in Earth-Abundant 3d Metal Catalysts
Title Synthetic single-site iron nitrogenases
Cooperative Small Molecule Reactivity with Diphosphine and Redox-Active Tetradentate Ligands
Title: Green Gold? Supplanting Petroleum with Renewable Carbon.
Inquires please contact Camille Pride at