Inorganic Chemistry Seminar: Dr. Smaranda Marinescu, John Hopkins
Host: Dr. Schelter
Host: Dr. Schelter
Host: Dr. Mindiola
Moving Beyond the Metal: Assisted Small Molecule Activation
The 6th Philadelphia Inorganic Colloquium (PIC-6) will be held at Penn Chemistry this Saturday, April 7, 2018. We would like to encourage members from the Penn Chemistry community to attend. PIC-6 will be free for attendees and the poster session will be open to all local researchers.
Late registration is welcome.
Schedule of Events
10:00-11:00 Michael J. Zdilla, Temple University “Toward Breaching the CHNO Ceiling in Energetic Materials”
Lecture 3: Expanding the Materials Genome with Nanocombinatorics
Lecture 2: Spherical Nucleic Acids: Empowering the Digital Drug Design Revolution
Lecture 1: Colloidal Crystal Engineering with DNA: Creating a Genetic Code for Materials Design
Title: How Bacteria Convert Methane to Methanol at the Diiron Center in Methane Monooxygenase
Title : Harnessing Molecular Photon Upconversion Using Self-Assembled Multilayers on Metal Oxide Surfaces