6th Philadelphia Inorganic Colloquium (PIC-6)

The 6th Philadelphia Inorganic Colloquium (PIC-6) will be held at Penn Chemistry this Saturday, April 7, 2018. We would like to encourage members from the Penn Chemistry community to attend. PIC-6 will be free for attendees and the poster session will be open to all local researchers.


Late registration is welcome.


Schedule of Events


10:00-11:00 Michael J. Zdilla, Temple University “Toward Breaching the CHNO Ceiling in Energetic Materials”


Organic Chemistry Seminar, Dr. Jon Njardarson( Univeristy of Arizona)

Title: No Strain no Gain 

Abstract: A tale about how tortured rings aided by sprinkles of serendipity catapulted us into the world of reaction cascades, which in turn led us to the land of Cope.  At the end of the research tale I will provide a short summary detailing our education product contributions all of which use the graphical language of organic chemistry.