Chemistry Community Standards (CCS)

UPenn Chemistry Community Standards (CCS)

Advancing chemistry education and research are the core missions of the University of Pennsylvania Chemistry Department, exemplified by the thousands of undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral scholars who have launched their careers in the classrooms and laboratories of this venerable institution. Many staff and faculty have dedicated their careers to supporting this community. The Department recognizes its important role in expanding access and opportunities at UPenn and in the broader chemistry and health professions. However, we acknowledge that continued hard work must go into creating a community in which ALL members feel a sense of belonging.

In the Chemistry Department, we embrace a vision for a community that makes it possible for all members to thrive personally and professionally. The Chemistry Community Standards establish a framework for constructive and productive interactions. It applies to all Chemistry faculty, staff, researchers, and students, at UPenn and when they act as representatives of the Department, either in person or on social media.

The Standards commit us to behaviors that sustain a positive, thriving community:

Be courteous and kind. In the laboratory setting, this includes being timely, following all posted guidelines, and leaving shared facilities in good working order.

Let others voice their opinions.

Listen to others actively, with curiosity to learn.

Be collegial. It is okay to “agree to disagree” on contentious topics.

Make time to talk face-to-face when there is potential for misunderstanding or disagreement.

Offer constructive criticism if warranted, while avoiding personal criticism whenever possible. Soliciting and offering feedback is essential to advancing the Department’s core missions.

Prioritize laboratory safety and personal safety.

Respect peoples’ belongings. In the laboratory setting, this includes asking permission before borrowing chemicals or equipment that do not belong to you.

Respect personal space and feelings. Unwanted physical contact, bullying, harassment, belittlement, retaliation, stalking, and other threatening and aggressive behaviors are unacceptable.

Be aware of power differentials, empower those who are more junior, and avoid using power to punish members of the community who hold different views.

Support those who report violations of departmental or University policy.

The Standards commit us to a mindset of growth and improvement:

Engage in discussions and activities to improve the work environment.

Confront stereotypes and assumptions that may inhibit positive working relationships.

Identify barriers to success that impede colleagues, and work to remove these barriers.

Promote equity for those with less social capital.

Foster networking opportunities, especially for those who are less connected.

Promote inclusiveness by sharing resources and information widely, and engage directly with those who have less access.

The Standards commit us to action:

The Department supports those who intervene when they witness inappropriate behavior within the community. Examples include hurtful comments or “jokes”; unfair criticism levied against someone who is not present to defend themselves; insensitive remarks made by a senior colleague that hurt someone who is more junior.

The Department encourages members to stay informed through reading about diversity, equity, inclusion issues in STEM and higher education; seek out consciousness-raising seminars and workshops; receive training on reporting and bystander intervention.

The Standards make us responsible for reporting violations:

The UPenn Department of Chemistry encourages the members of the community to speak out about problems that need to be addressed. Members should report violations of the Chemistry Community Standards to one or more of the individuals listed below. Direct contact via an in-person meeting or email makes it easiest to address the problem.

Anonymous reporting is also an option. All reports received by the Department will be investigated fully.


Christopher Jeffrey, Executive Director,

Anna Boffice, Associate Director,

Tom Mallouk, Chair of the Chemistry Department,

Ivan Dmochowski, Chair, Climate Committee,

Jeffrey Winkler, Undergraduate Chair,

Candice Adams, Undergraduate Coordinator,

James Petersson, Graduate Chair,

Kristen Simon, Graduate Coordinator,

Vanessa Gonzalez-Perez, Assoc. Vice Dean for Academic Excellence and Engagement,

Kelly Walsh, Graduate SAS Director of Student and Academic Affairs,

Lindsay Van Ostenbridge, Student Intervention Services,

Other Resources

UPenn Student Health and Counseling,

UPenn Ombuds Office, for conflict resolution,

UPenn Title IX Office,

UPenn Office of Academic Excellence and Engagement,

UPenn Human Resources,

UPenn Violence Prevention,

UPenn Code of Student Conduct

UPenn Faculty Handbook,

UPenn’s Principles of Responsible Conduct

Student Intervention Services, email:, phone: 215-898-6081

The Center for Community Standards and Accountability,

Restorative Practices @ Penn,