Inorganic Chemistry Seminar: Dr. John Anderson, University of Chicago
"New Rules in C–H Activation Revealed by the Reactivity of a Terminal Co Oxo Complex"

Dr. John Anderson
University of Chicago
Abstract: Transition metal oxo complexes, particularly those of later transition metals, have been cited as important intermediates in processes such as C–H hydroxylation and oxygen evolution. However, these species are highly reactive and thus often difficult to isolate and study. In this talk I will present our laboratory’s efforts at isolating and studying late transition metal oxo complexes. We have found that use of pseudo-tetrahedral geometries enables the isolation of an unusual terminal Co-oxo complex.[i] The reactivity of this species towards C–H activation is markedly different than that observed for the majority of other systems and provides experimental evidence for a new mechanistic scenario arising from imbalanced thermodynamic driving forces.[ii],[iii] We show that far from being unique to this system, such “imbalanced” transition state effects are general and are also fully compatible with quantum mechanical nonadiabatic CPET reactions.[iv],[v] Finally, we will show how tuning the relevant thermodynamic contributions to CPET reactivity allows for optimization of reaction rates.
Research Interests:
The Anderson Lab is a group of synthetic inorganic chemists. While our research is centered upon transition metal chemistry, we find substantial overlap and applicability in a variety of other fields, including organic chemistry, spectroscopy, materials chemistry, and biology. Students in the lab are trained in a variety of synthetic techniques, particularly those related to the isolation and handling of air-sensitive complexes and materials. Furthermore, students gain expertise in the acquisition and interpretation of common analytical methods such as NMR, UV-Vis, and IR spectroscopies, as well as using more advanced data acquired from EPR, XAS, or magnetometry.
At the heart of our research lies the interplay between natural and synthetic systems. We aim to use well-defined synthetic complexes and materials with two main goals. First, we aim to use isolable complexes as models for biological systems, notably as tools to understand some of the fundamental properties that govern enzymatic transformations. Second, we use principles employed by biological systems to develop challenging reactivity or properties in complexes or materials. Other aims include the careful control of spin-state, bi-functional activation of substrates, and the utilization of redox active scaffolds to mediate reactivity and coupling. For more information on these research projects, please visit the Anderson Lab website
HOST: Prof. Mindiola