Inorganic Chemistry Seminar, Dr. Caleb D. Martin, Baylor University
"Anti-Aromatic Boroles as Reagents for Heterocycle Synthesis"
"Anti-Aromatic Boroles as Reagents for Heterocycle Synthesis"
Current Topics in Noble-Gas Chemistry; from Xenon(II) Oxide Species to
Coordination Compounds of KrF2, XeF6, and XeO3
"The Role of Catalytic Oxo Metal Clusters in Natural and Artificial Photosynthesis"
Title "Looking to the future by modeling the past: Design and characterization of engineered metalloenzymes for small molecule activation
Research in the Goldberg group is focused on the development of new catalytic systems to efficiently produce chemicals and fuels from a range of available feedstocks. We are interested in transforming both highly saturated feedstocks, such as natural gas and alkanes, as well as highly oxygenated materials like CO2 and those found in biomass. Using catalysis, we seek to develop new environmentally responsible and economically viable methods to convert these feedstocks to more valuable organic products.
Inorganic and Organometallic Synthesis, Energy Storage Chemistry, Materials Chemistry
Inorganic and Organometallic Synthesis, Catalysis, and Mechanistic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Chemical Catalysis