Larry G. Sneddon
Inorganic, Energy and Materials Chemistry
Inorganic, Energy and Materials Chemistry
Inorganic and Materials Chemistry
Nanoscale and Inorganic Materials Chemistry
Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry
Our research group is concerned with synthesis, structure and mechanism in inorganic and organometallic systems. We are interested in the preparation and study of new organometallic compounds which pose significant questions of structure and bonding, or which are designed to exhibit unusual reactivity in chemical transformations. We are also developing new synthetic routes to inorganic and organometallic polymers. General areas of interest are described below:
Bioinorganic, Bioorganic, Biophysical Chemistry
Development of Non-Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries for Grid-Scale Energy Storage
" Leveraging Electrophilicity and Polarizability in Catalysts for Challenging Coupling Reactions"
Title: Heme and Non-heme Transition Metal Complexes: Activation of O2 and NO, and the Reactivity of High-Valent M(O)/M(OH) Species